The real question is what will you do with the confidence you will gain from your session?
But I get it, the idea of the "headshot" is so common that by default we think we only need one professional image of ourselves! In the digital era, however, our clients "meet" us online many times before they meet us in person - if they ever do! Most people will need to meet us several times before they feel that they know us well enough to reach out and engage with us.
So let's think of all the ways you make contact with your future clients, audiences, coworkers, etc. We can start with the obvious like LinkedIn, your social media profile images, and your website. What about your social media feed - how often are you showing up there and what do your images say about you? Do you have an email list that you reach out to regularly? Do you have a professional image on your email signature and profile? Do you use printed materials like business cards, flyers or mailers? Do you run ads?
Let's talk about variety a little bit. When do you run marketing campaigns? Do you have images for different seasons, holidays or launches you run throughout the year? How about Behind the Scenes images to show your clients what you do. Personality images to spice it up a little? Obviously, the list goes on and on!