October 25, 2012

Some Days

FILED IN: personal

Some days, things just don’t go the way you expect them to.

Even on your wedding day.  You know, it rains (ironically), the limo drives off with your dress, or your reception venue loses power.  Yeah, it happens.

The thing is, you can decide how you react to all of the million little stressors that add up on a wedding day.  From people being late, to things just not going as planned, in the end it can be your decision to let it go and just have fun.  Smile a lot, enjoy that dress, and make the best of it.  Whatever happens, you will still have the best day of your life.

And here’s the hard truth of the matter, aka, the downer (sorry).  I don’t know how to say this, except to just say that life is short.  Enjoy the time you have with your loved ones, because you really never know what will happen tomorrow.  Chances are, there are people at your wedding who might not be at the next one.

So smile today and laugh at the foibles that will become the stories for tomorrow.  Life is beautiful.

And bring an umbrella.



comments +

  1. Emilia Schobeiri says:

    so gorgeous

  2. Christy Tyler says:

    Stunning photo and SO TRUE. Too many people get wrapped up in all the drama of the day instead of just ENJOYING EVERY MINUTE. Thanks for the reminder! And GORGEOUS photo! Where is that?

  3. Ann Oleinik says:

    Yeah, now and then you find out that your photos were the last photos of a family member, and it really puts some of the other stuff in perspective. The photo is from Park Falls, WI, from our visit a few weeks ago. It looks like total serenity to me 🙂

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Email: ann@annkam.com
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