June 6, 2012

Treat Yourself

FILED IN: personal

I don’t normally post about recipes, but this one is seriously making my mornings better.

I have been trying to lose a few pounds, and have discovered that my eating habits could definitely use a makeover.  Well, maybe not a total makeover, but at least a few touch-ups.

When I started tracking my calories, I was surprised at how those breakfast cereals added up in the morning, even the so-called healthy ones.

I have had this book, “The Perfect Recipe for Losing Weight & Eating Great” by Pam Anderson on my shelf for like two years, and in a fit of motivation I finally dusted it off to find out what was inside.

Well, what I found was THE BEST BREAKFAST EVER.

The problem with some breakfasts is they just don’t hold you, or it’s too warm outside for oatmeal, etc. etc.  But this dessert breakfast is easy, filling, and is such a treat you feel like you’re eating dessert for breakfast.

It’s really just a yogurt parfait with lots and lots of fruit and plain yogurt.  Today, I used a whole banana and a bunch of strawberries, but this is a great time of year to get creative.  I’ve also really been enjoying cantaloupe and blackberries, and peaches and raspberries.  I use 1/3 to 1/2 cup of Trader Joe’s plain nonfat yogurt, with a little bit of honey to sweeten it.  Though with all this fruit, I don’t know if you even need the honey.  Finally, I add a little bit of Kashi cereal to give it some crunch and texture.  Pam has instructions for making your own granola, but I am definitely not that ambitious.

And there ya go – dessert for breakfast.

Hmmm now I’m hungry…..

In short, here’s the recipe

  • 1/3 – 1/2 Plain Nonfat Yogurt (I prefer Greek-style yogurt)
  • Lots of fruit
  • A bit of honey
  • 1/4 cup Kashi Cereal





comments +

  1. You know I love greek yogurt! This looks so yummy!

  2. Amanda M Miller says:

    Yogurt parfaits are my favorite! Yum!

  3. Lauren Wakefield says:

    You know I love greek yogurt! This looks so yummy!

  4. Amanda M Miller says:

    Yogurt parfaits are my favorite! Yum!

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Ann & Kam Photography & Cinema
Chicago, New York, Destination

Email: ann@annkam.com
Phone 217-417-5988

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