March 29, 2013

Astonishing Light

FILED IN: personal

“I wish I could show you, when you are lonely or in darkness, the astonishing light of your own being,” ~Hafiz

I heard this quote the other day, and it just hit home.  Just that simple phrase, “the astonishing light of your own being” sends chills up my spine.  Yes, exactly – the astonishing light.  That light that is the beauty that we find in each other, and that on our best days we see in ourselves and present to the world.  That light that I, as a photographer, look for and see in those moments of connection with my clients.  That light that fills my heart and spills over so that I must reflect it back to you.  That light is the very reason I get up in the morning to witness, and is what I want to search for every day as a wife, friend, daughter, business owner and photographer.

This quote touched me so much that I immediate went online and ordered this lovely little plaque from mb art studios on etsy.  It seemed even more appropriate that it is a quote from the great Persian poet, Hafiz, one of the great cultural treasures of Kamran’s heritage.  I am hanging it above my desk so that I may be reminded every day to look for the light within.



comments +

  1. Christy Tyler says:

    Love love love this. I need to remember this as well. xoxo

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Ann & Kam Photography & Cinema
Chicago, New York, Destination

Phone 217-417-5988

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